Based on the highly-anticipated feature film from DreamWorks Animation, Over the Hedge is a wildly adventurous game that takes players on an interactive adventure beyond the story seen in the film. Assuming the roles of RJ the raccoon, Verne the turtle, Hammy the squirrel and Stella the skunk, players turn a suburban neighborhood loaded with dangerous obstacles and traps into their own personal playground. Numerous puzzles and mini-games keep fans busy as they
# The Only Game That Lets Players Relive Movie Moments And Beyond - In over 30 mission-filled levels,
# Over The Hedge Lets Players Experience The Camaraderie And Wacky Adventures Of Four Woodland Creatures As They Take Over Suburbia – In an attempt to free captured friends and rob the humans of their beloved food, players master each character's special moves and learn how to use them to work together. atures:Special moves include: RJ's "golf ball barrage," Verne's "spinning shell attack," Hammy's "Hammy time" which allows him to streak around and overcome opponents in the blink of an eye, and Stella's "stink." Players move on to gain new abilities that allow each animal to perform advanced combo attacks as well as pick up hidden tools and armor.
#With An Exciting Multiplayer Mode, Players Work Together To Survive The Suburban Neighborhood – When playing with a friend gamers go on multiplayer co-op quests to fill their wagon with food. They barge through closed windows, fenced-in yards and laser-guarded homes, performing the ultimate heist in order to locate and free captured friends.
Minimum Requirements
* OS: Windows 2000/XP*
* Video Memory: 32 Mb
* DirectX: 9.0c
* Keyboard
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